16 April 2015

A Need for Change

Change. Sometimes it seems like a bad thing and other times we crave it. What do you do when you think you need change but don’t know how to go about making the ball roll?

Upon reading an article about goals and how to know what to blog about, I was asked a series of questions regarding things like what I genuinely dream of writing about on my blog. I hadn’t really thought much of this in any depth so the questions kind of stuck to me.
What do I really, really want to write about? Well, I love makeup. I could write about makeup no problem, but I also sometimes daydream of posting other content. I want to grow, learn, and share. Traveling, clothes, music, and even home décor inspiration are all things I dream of regularly writing about.

I was talking to my sister about this and how lately I’ve just felt like posting review after review is not necessarily giving me much fulfillment. I want to write about more. Her answer was unexpected, “Then do it. Why not?” She then proceeded to list ways I could start the change. “Is it really that easy?” I thought to myself. I’ve thought that I had to start by throwing in a boulder, when the truth is, all that is required is just one pebble at a time. 

What kind of input and unique perspective could I bring that’s different? That’s tough on paper, sure, but I honestly believe that anyone reading this now or rather anyone in general, has a unique voice. Take a group of ten people and put them each in a separate space and then ask them to write about, I don’t know, the beach. Not only will they each have different opinions, memories, and even different ideas of the word (Atlantic or Pacific Ocean?), but they will all have different “voices” of writing. I have been thinking about it all wrong. I want to gradually broaden what I write about but I keep turning myself down by believing in the idea that just because someone else may blog about travel and décor, then I simply can’t because it would just be repetitive. Clearly, as explained above, that is not true. If you reading this want to write about something but are afraid, I say do it. You will bring in a new light on whatever the topic may be.

Remember you don’t have to choose a popular topic like beauty blogger or fashion blogger, either. You can write about something nobody else does or combine any genre you want! If you feel like you have to stick to one particular one just because it’s popular then you’re putting yourself in a box and constricting what could potentially be growth into what you truly are passionate for. Of course, that being said, if you are strongly passionate for something no matter how popular – go for it!
Let’s start throwing in our own little pebbles one at a time and see where this goes.

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