07 October 2014

Good Can Come Out of the Bad

“Our scars make us know that our past was for real.”
                                                                    — Pride & Prejudice

Stumbled upon this quote whilst reading my Jane Austen 5-Year Journal. I adore everything Jane Austen has written, it’s just so – ah.
That aside, reading this quote really made me think. Sometimes in our lives when bad things happen, while going through it we feel like the pain is so intolerable that we’ll never make it through. At least in my life, that’s how hard times have felt. Looking back on all the rough road I’ve trod through, I’m grateful. It’s in those times, where we truly learn about who we are individually, that we are able to grow into even better versions of ourselves. We learn valuable lessons that will help down the road in our lives. It was real, it happened, and it’s apart of your story now. It’s funny how it works that way, but our scars are what makes us, well, us. Original and completely one-of-a-kind. Being at a part in my life that feels like nothing is going the way I had planned it years ago (nope, I haven’t become a makeup artist/ actress yet) it sometimes gets pretty hard in the day. Regardless, I still am me and have my own gifts and dreams to offer to the world, just like all of you out there as well. My point is, embrace your scars. Wherever you’re at, whether good or bad, one day you’ll look back and see how much you’ve grown. It truly is a beautiful thing.


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