12 September 2014

The Skincare | 2

Now things get really glamorous, and by glamorous I mean deep mythical monster glamour.
You know, pampering in a bubble bath with candles, maybe some music and tea.. and then a scary green, white or even worse black crust on your face.
Sounds attractive.

The Treatments

Here are just a few treatments I’ve been using. I have an entire stash of treatments from masks to peels that I just couldn’t bare to show you all – you know out of embarrassment of my addiction. The first two masks are both from Mario Badescu who I highly recommend. Like a good best friend, I lean on this brand when I don’t know where else to turn. The first mask, Mario Badescu Whitening Mask does exactly what it says. Not whitening per se, but it lightens problematic areas like hyper-pigmentation or dark spots (which I don’t have yet, thank goodness.) I don’t know if it’s normal, but I find that I get a bit of a sting when I first put it on. Regardless, its done its job well and I love to use it the day after I’ve used the PMD for an extra hyper-pigmentation punch.
The other mask, Mario Badescu Healing & Soothing Mask is also pretty self explanatory. If you’ve been a little too harsh on your skin and attacked it with products, first off, take a step back and give your skin some room to breathe, and then try out this mask. It never hardens like clay masks but stays pretty creamy. I find that it calms things down a bit, nothing dramatic but just some pure “ahhh-ness.” That made sense right?
Lastly, and probably my current favorite is the Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peel Extra Strength Formula. I picked this up when Sephora was having that big $15 and under sale over the summer. This little guy makes my pores so happy. It makes me happy. It makes my makeup application happy. It’s just one big happy fest after using him. Yet again, I do not use this product immediately after I use the PMD or derma roller or even the day after, as that would just be too much. But when I do use it, dryness is gone, product goes on like buttah and it’s just bliss. In fact, I might use this tonight. Treat yo self, right? Yes, I just said that, out loud as well.

Next up: Oils, Serums, & Toners.


10 September 2014

The Skincare | 1

Skincare has been having a moment recently and I had to share.
I don’t know what it is, but this past year I’ve really sparked an interest in skincare from ph balancing, acids, oils, the order to apply products and slightly frightening skincare tools.
Makeup is lovely, really, I’m still obsessed but skincare is the base of it all. The (no pun intended) foundation for your makeup. Even if you have less than perfect skin, taking care of it the right way goes miles!
Tools Of The Trade

I’ve owned the Clarisonic Pro for a while now and actually stopped using it for a couple of years. It wasn’t until this month that I finally jumped back into it and bought myself the deep cleansing brush head. I had stopped using it originally because it started making my skin veryangry and now looking back, I think an old brush head was the culprit. Now I use it nightly and love the results it gives. So fellow Clarisonic users, learn from my should-have-been-obvious mistake: Change the brush head.
The next tool that is now a special pampering treat is the PMD or Personal Microderm Abrasion. This is going to sound scary but it basically sucks your skin into the dip at the end and gives some serious exfoliation hence the whole special treat thing. I tested it below my ear on my neck per the instructions and was able to see what pressure my skin could handle. It doesn’t hurt at all but feels rather strange instead. Read the instructions first and watch the video though so you don’t hurt your skin. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. That being said, it’s fun to use and gives really gorgeous smooth results! Since it’s essentially removing the outer layer of skin, any products you use after are better absorbed so I love to use my more special products at this time.
Finally, I have my newest tool, the dermaroller. I did some research on this thing as it looked and sounded really frightening. It looks like a massaging wheel device but with scary teeny tiny needles. I’m really selling this aren’t I? I tend to be adventurous when it comes to skincare so I gave it a whirl despite my nervousness. Basically, it’s supposed to “wound” or “puncture” the skin so that it can repair itself with newer healthier skin. A lot of people seem to use it for aging but also dark spots, scarring, or hyper-pigmentation. Since I’m still veeery nervous about it, I use it very gently only in the areas I feel need it. I don’t have a set time I use it but rather when I feel my skin has had time to heal between uses. It works great in conjunction with the PMD but definitely not at the same time (don’t want to over exfoliate!) Also, in order to prevent any infection or annoying spots, I always sterilize beforehand by giving it a nice long soak in some alcohol. I’ve got to say, for the month I’ve been using it, I’ve seen some pretty great results! My hyper-pigmentation has significantly decreased and things are looking a lot more even. Let’s see where this goes in another few months..
* update: I’ve recently started using a different roller than the one above and thus the link will take you to the newer and in my opinion better option. I use it less frequently now maybe once every two months.

So, those are the tools I use for my skin. Next up in the series: My current most reached for treatments.


05 September 2014

Most Used | August

I’m sorry June & July, I seemed to have skipped over you. No hard feelings, okay?

If you’ve read my old update post then I’m sure you’re aware where I’ve been and why. To sum it up: Summer Vacation. Now that I’m ready to hop back into things, I had to do another monthly favorites. They’re honestly one of my favorite parts about the beginning of a new month.
As you can see, I’ve been on a bit of a beauty kick this month. A few of the products have actually been favorites since July, but I thought I’d include them since I’m still loving them.
I’ve heard the hype and flat out ignored it until now. This lovely tube makes your skin look healthy and dewy. I still powder my t-zone as I have combo/oily skin but the rest of my skin is left looking glowy. Coverage is minimal but enough to even everything out. I can’t get enough!
Honesty time. I did not like this when I first used it. I thought to myself, “This is definitely not worth the money!” But recently I picked it up again and I don’t know what changed, but I love it! Great coverage and stays put.
I love the fine tip and the color is just what I was looking for. It lasts throughout the day and just makes the morning a lot easier.
I heard about this blush from the YouTuber Jaclyn Hill and was waiting for it to come back in stock. It was worth the wait for sure! Similar blushes would be NARS Orgasm and Benefit Coralista. It’s the same type of peachy pink glowy color.
Oh my gosh. I love this highlighter so much, I can’t believe I had never heard of it before! Shimmery but not glittery or unnatural. It is very pigmented so just a small tap of the brush will be enough. I also love to use it as an inner-corner highlight to brighten up the eyes.
Yet again, another product I refused to believe the hype about. The time it takes to do the face part of my makeup routine has sliced in half because of this. Get it wet, squeeze out in a towel, and tap onto face et voila! I wash it every morning as well before I use it.
I always love to check out the latest display of Essence products at my local Fred Meyer because they are just so inexpensive! This theme was all about summer and the beach. I spotted this gorgeous liquid bronze colored eyeliner and didn’t have to think twice. I love to use this in place of black for a more bronze cat-eye.
You gotta love those Sephora perks! Reading the description of the scent, I didn’t think I would like it, but oh was I wrong! I’m buying the full-size the second I run out. It smells warm and has a vanilla scent too. So good!

Well, that completes my monthly most loved! Now, bring on the season of falling leaves, hot cider, and cozy knits. I’m ready for ya.


03 September 2014

This Might Sting A Bit...

Bee Venom. Now that sounds daunting doesn't it?
Yet again, I was shopping at Marshall’s (by now I’m sure you’ve probably figured out that I go there a lot!). I always have to check out their skincare aisle just to see if anything catches my eye. You could say I have a bit of an obsession. I was looking for a face cream and I saw one that contained both manuka honey and rosehip oil. I was sold, grabbed it, and was out the store pleased as ever. Later, when I got a chance to actually read the label I noticed (in bold mind you) “BEE VENOM.” It wasn’t until I read the back warning label that stated for people with bee allergies to avoid this product that it hit me. This genuinely has bee venom in it. The stuff that bees sting you with. Feeling both freaked out and excited I tried it out. Since I’m writing a post on it, one of two things could have happened: I hated it or I loved it …
… well, I loved it. I absolutely fell head over heels for this bad boy. There was a definite sting when applying it though so I won’t recommend for sensitive skin and also people with bee allergies for obvious reasons. When you use this your skin will instantly get very warm (not gonna lie, it’s verging more on hot ), like those warming face masks or if you eat something spicy. It goes away between 5-10 minutes so don’t worry. Alongside the heat there is also a faint stinging feeling. Lately my skin has been pretty darn happy. Considering this is the only product that has changed in my routine, I’m thinking this is what’s giving me the results. My skin is all around more even after about a month of using. Keep in mind the warnings first and foremost, you know your skin better than anybody else, if you think this isn’t for you- then skip it. However, if this intrigues you, try it out! You might just become addicted like me.. though now I have a whole new outlook on the phrase “Feel the burn.”


02 September 2014

Traveling Near & Far

I am back from vacation! Tan lines, plenty of vitamin D, and summery makeup is what I have to gain.
I realize that I have been M.I.A. on the blog for a little while now but if you check out my other social media sites, there are a few pictures of my adventures.  So, back to the question: Where have I been?! Well, June – July was pretty busy for me and all at once, too. I know it’s the end of August now, but summer just seems to take away time!

This was my summer:

 First off, I went to stay in Waldport, OR with my family at a rental beach home. I had a blast! There’s something about the family getting together that makes simpler things seem so much more fun.

Shortly after that I was preparing for my two week stay in Hawai’i visiting my college roommates-turned best friends-turned “sisters.” Immediately upon arrival we had a “stay-cation” at one of the hotels along Waikiki Beach for a couple of days and then returned to the other side of the island where I would be saying the rest of the trip. We rode a catamaran, went camping, and had loads of fun. After barely returning I was already having major withdrawals of the sandy beaches, Hawaiian food (two words: poke bowls), reggae music, and being with my friends. Hawai’i, I’m coming back for you.

Then, a few days after my return from Hawai’i, my grandma, my great aunt, and their friend visited for a week. It was really nice to see my grandma again seeing as she lives across the country and also to meet my great aunt for the first time!
Hopefully that explains things a bit for you guys. I intend to jump right back into the weekly posts and maybe throw in my first tutorial, who knows!

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