03 September 2014

This Might Sting A Bit...

Bee Venom. Now that sounds daunting doesn't it?
Yet again, I was shopping at Marshall’s (by now I’m sure you’ve probably figured out that I go there a lot!). I always have to check out their skincare aisle just to see if anything catches my eye. You could say I have a bit of an obsession. I was looking for a face cream and I saw one that contained both manuka honey and rosehip oil. I was sold, grabbed it, and was out the store pleased as ever. Later, when I got a chance to actually read the label I noticed (in bold mind you) “BEE VENOM.” It wasn’t until I read the back warning label that stated for people with bee allergies to avoid this product that it hit me. This genuinely has bee venom in it. The stuff that bees sting you with. Feeling both freaked out and excited I tried it out. Since I’m writing a post on it, one of two things could have happened: I hated it or I loved it …
… well, I loved it. I absolutely fell head over heels for this bad boy. There was a definite sting when applying it though so I won’t recommend for sensitive skin and also people with bee allergies for obvious reasons. When you use this your skin will instantly get very warm (not gonna lie, it’s verging more on hot ), like those warming face masks or if you eat something spicy. It goes away between 5-10 minutes so don’t worry. Alongside the heat there is also a faint stinging feeling. Lately my skin has been pretty darn happy. Considering this is the only product that has changed in my routine, I’m thinking this is what’s giving me the results. My skin is all around more even after about a month of using. Keep in mind the warnings first and foremost, you know your skin better than anybody else, if you think this isn’t for you- then skip it. However, if this intrigues you, try it out! You might just become addicted like me.. though now I have a whole new outlook on the phrase “Feel the burn.”


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