10 September 2014

The Skincare | 1

Skincare has been having a moment recently and I had to share.
I don’t know what it is, but this past year I’ve really sparked an interest in skincare from ph balancing, acids, oils, the order to apply products and slightly frightening skincare tools.
Makeup is lovely, really, I’m still obsessed but skincare is the base of it all. The (no pun intended) foundation for your makeup. Even if you have less than perfect skin, taking care of it the right way goes miles!
Tools Of The Trade

I’ve owned the Clarisonic Pro for a while now and actually stopped using it for a couple of years. It wasn’t until this month that I finally jumped back into it and bought myself the deep cleansing brush head. I had stopped using it originally because it started making my skin veryangry and now looking back, I think an old brush head was the culprit. Now I use it nightly and love the results it gives. So fellow Clarisonic users, learn from my should-have-been-obvious mistake: Change the brush head.
The next tool that is now a special pampering treat is the PMD or Personal Microderm Abrasion. This is going to sound scary but it basically sucks your skin into the dip at the end and gives some serious exfoliation hence the whole special treat thing. I tested it below my ear on my neck per the instructions and was able to see what pressure my skin could handle. It doesn’t hurt at all but feels rather strange instead. Read the instructions first and watch the video though so you don’t hurt your skin. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. That being said, it’s fun to use and gives really gorgeous smooth results! Since it’s essentially removing the outer layer of skin, any products you use after are better absorbed so I love to use my more special products at this time.
Finally, I have my newest tool, the dermaroller. I did some research on this thing as it looked and sounded really frightening. It looks like a massaging wheel device but with scary teeny tiny needles. I’m really selling this aren’t I? I tend to be adventurous when it comes to skincare so I gave it a whirl despite my nervousness. Basically, it’s supposed to “wound” or “puncture” the skin so that it can repair itself with newer healthier skin. A lot of people seem to use it for aging but also dark spots, scarring, or hyper-pigmentation. Since I’m still veeery nervous about it, I use it very gently only in the areas I feel need it. I don’t have a set time I use it but rather when I feel my skin has had time to heal between uses. It works great in conjunction with the PMD but definitely not at the same time (don’t want to over exfoliate!) Also, in order to prevent any infection or annoying spots, I always sterilize beforehand by giving it a nice long soak in some alcohol. I’ve got to say, for the month I’ve been using it, I’ve seen some pretty great results! My hyper-pigmentation has significantly decreased and things are looking a lot more even. Let’s see where this goes in another few months..
* update: I’ve recently started using a different roller than the one above and thus the link will take you to the newer and in my opinion better option. I use it less frequently now maybe once every two months.

So, those are the tools I use for my skin. Next up in the series: My current most reached for treatments.


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