27 February 2015

Playing In The Rain

Parkas, boots, and rain, oh my!
 As per usual here in good ol’ Oregon- it rained. Living here for years, I have to say, I love the rain! The smell of it, feel of it, and that urge to snuggle up by the fire after being in it. Since when did playing in the mud have to be just for kids?


25 February 2015

The Review | Too Faced Semi-Sweet Palette

Smells like chocolate, ’nuff said.

the good:

Like the first palette, this palette is also strongly centered around chocolate. It smells like chocolate, looks like chocolate, and the names are sweet related. Yum. Every time I open one of the Chocolate Palettes I can’t help but smell the lush chocolate scent. These neutral colors are right up my alley, too. At first glance it can seem like a boring basic palette but it’s actually pretty awesome! I think comparing this one to the first, I might just prefer this one. There’s a gorgeous bronze, taupe, even an orange-brown called “Peanut Butter.” Blueberry Swirl (that crazy blue smack dab in the middle) is also insanely pretty. I don’t even like blue shades but that one creates a more modern smokey eye. As like all Too Faced shadows, these are pigmented, smooth, and blend beautifully.

the bad:

When I first opened this palette and still up to this day, the mirror falls out. Weird right? Every now and then the little semi-sweet chocolate mirror will unstick from the pan and I have to press it back on. I find that a little annoying and slightly cheap packaging but that doesn’t actually affect the product itself. As for the eyeshadows, two colors in particular are not so great. One is “eh” and the other is “wow, not good.” The large cream color on the top called Coconut Cream is a nice base color or subtle brow highlight but overall, the pigmentation is lacking. I tried swatching and it barely showed up on my hand. The other color that leaves more to be desired is Pink Sugar (that really light pink color right beneath Coconut Cream.) Pink Sugar is a sparkly pink color. The rest of the palette is buttery smooth and pigmented… all except this color that is. I’m sorry to bash, but that color is just bad. When swatched it is powdery, crumbly, contains chunks of glitter, and not pigmented whatsoever. I don’t think I will ever use this color to be honest.

the verdict:

All right, the results are in. Many people online have been giving opposing reviews. It’s either a hit or a miss it seems. For me, my verdict is that . . . I love this! The crumbly Pink Sugar and eh Coconut Cream colors are not bad enough to make me dislike the rest of the palette. I could create numerous looks with this and always be satisfied. This is a great palette to take away on travels as you have everything you need from a black, to a blending shade, to a highlight. Plus, I just can’t get over that chocolate scent. It’s making me hungry thinking of it right now. Ah, so good! 


24 February 2015

Four Ways to Be Happier

When life gives you oranges instead of lemons . . .
. . . then it’s time to make some orange juice.
Happiness can be a struggle sometimes. Everyone, literally, everyone has rough patches in their life. Yes, even that one person you thought had the perfect life. Sometimes people are really good at hiding it, but we all go through hard times. I thought about some things that help me to stay happy when I quite frankly just don’t feel all that great.
tip #1: ignore what others think.
This one is especially hard for me. It’s hard not to wonder what others will think but the truth is, they are living their own life and you are living yours. You have a completely different life than anyone else and no one person’s life is exactly the same. We all have our own different paths. So really, if someone has something negative to say about you, it really doesn’t matter unless they are in your skin, which they aren’t. Once you stop caring what others think, that takes a huge load off and feels so freeing.
tip #2: don’t dwell on the negative.
By this I mean that if you focus on the negative all of the hours of every day it weighs you down. Try and force yourself to think about the positives instead. Going with this as well, is to also separate yourself from anyone that is negative. Gossip, pessimists and the lot are not good for keeping upbeat and happy. Have you seen that quote that says to surround yourself with people who make you happy? That is very, verytrue.
tip #3: stop comparing.
This one is a biggie. Comparing is a big time culprit for unhappiness. Take this scenario: You’re scrolling through your Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/etc. feed and you see countless pictures of filtered “perfection.” Suddenly you find yourself thinking, “I wish I looked like that,” or “If only I had her/his life, then I would be happy.” All I can say for those kinds of thoughts is, STOP. It is so easy to think like that and wish and hope but the truth is, you will never be them. You will never live their exact life much less look exactly like them and that should never, ever be a bad thing. Whenever I see comments like that underneath pictures or posts I wish those people could see how precious they are. Think of it like this, no two twins are even completely the same. We all are one of a kind! Perfection is not real. The facadeof perfection is very real today, but actual perfection- no. Isn’t beauty in the flaws anyways? Look in the mirror, that’s what you should learn to love- yourself and your own unique and beautiful life.
tip #4: make time for yourself.
This is by no means a selfish thing. Set aside time in the day to de-stress and recollect yourself. Breathe and reflect on whatever it is that’s making you so down in the slumps. Sometimes, for me at least, it really helps to process what is going on. If I’m not feeling happy, there is a reason. The reason could be obvious like you feel alone or it could be less obvious and deeper like self esteem issues or something that has stuck with you from the past. Whatever it is, this is your time to process the issue and try and find a way to overcome it. I can’t speak for every issue, but ultimately you know yourself more than anybody else and know what you need to get past it.
Being happy is a mindset. It’s not easy, but we can do it if we try. Remember, even though it feels like you are the only one dealing with unhappiness or feeling like your life is not great, I can guarantee that you are not the only one. Nobody is perfect. In this social media society we live in, it’s easy to think that what you see online is how it is in real life, but that’s not necessarily the case. Ignore those negative comparing thoughts and remember that we all struggle at one point or another. You’ll get through this.


23 February 2015

The Skincare | 4

It’s about time to talk about some new skincare favorites. I stay consistent with what type of products I use in my regimen but I like to alternate between different brands and the latest and whatnot. Here’s how my routine usually goes:

cleansing balm // cleanser // acidic toner // hydrating spray // eye cream // serum &/or oil // moisturizer or retinol.

1. Philosophy Help Me is a retinol treatment. I used the Kate Somerville RetAsphere before this and wanted something a little less pricey. This is a great price for a retinol and you only need a pea sized amount for your whole face. I love this stuff! Ever since using it I’ve noticed more smoothness and brightness.
2. I received the Murad T-Zone Pore Refining Gel in a Murad kit on Sephora. This serum stood out for me because of how clarifying it is. The texture is a bit weird and slightly tacky at first so that took some getting used to. Whenever I use this, I notice my skin looks smoother and my pores look smaller (though pores can’t actually shrink) in the morning. Great stuff.
3. Murad Skin Perfecting Lotion also came in the Murad kit and I am already preparing to buy the full size. It’s just a great simple moisturizer. It hydrates but it’s not greasy. Awesome. I also noticed that it contains retinol as well- bonus points!
4. Mario Badescu Anti-Acne Serum is a newbie from this month. Mario Badescu never disappoints. I haven’t found an item in the line that I have disliked to be honest. This serum is a little thicker than others but it blends right in. It’s hydrating but also great for spots as it contains salicylic acid. Will have to test it out for a bit longer to see how well it works overall but for now I’m loving it.
5. I saved the best for last. Believe it or not, this is my second tub of the Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Peel PadsThe first was the 20 pad jar and I just upgraded to the 90 pad jar. This lasts double as long as well as I prefer to cut them in half. I can’t even explain how much I love these things. As soon as I was getting close to empty on my first tub I began to panic and had to order online ASAP, it was that urgent. These are hydrating but so great at exfoliating the skin and making the overall appearance brighter and dewy. My skin isn’t really sensitive and is pretty well acquainted with acids so this does not bother my skin whatsoever. I could go on and on, but basically, I will most definitely repurchase and repurchase for a while.

So those are my current skincare favorites ranging from an acid that does some serious retexturizing to a lightweight hydrating moisturizer. Being a skincare obsessor, I’d love to know what are your favorite skincare products? I’m talking holy grail here.


20 February 2015

An Eyeliner That Does It All?

I think I may have found my do-it-all eyeliner. I actually have. I’m talking about the Marc Jacobs Highliner Gel Eye Crayon. I first tried it as a 100-point perk on Sephora and then received the mini set for Christmas. These eyeliners are unbelievably long-lasting on both the tightline and waterline and Do. Not Budge. I am an avid believer in tightlining (if you don’t know what that means, I will explain in a full post in the future) and I have always struggled with eyeliners transferring down to my waterline and basically making a mess. These do not do that. They’re creamy, long-lasting, non-transferring, and all kinds of awesome. I may even go all out and say this is my new holy grail eyeliner. Yes, I went there.


19 February 2015

The Unexpected Use For Charcoal

Charcoal. This is the stuff used to roast marshmallows on a campfire.
Charcoal, however can do some unexpected things. Many people have claimed that charcoal whitens teeth. This was one of those things I found online, scratched my head, and thought, "What the heck why not."

how does it work?

What I like to do is first put my tooth paste on my brush. Then I sprinkle on some charcoal powder and brush. It can be a little messy if it gets in the sink or on the counter but it wipes off with some water. For me, the results were instant but by doing it a few nights at a time it really whitens like crazy. You can usually find charcoal capsules in your local pharmacy or drugstore in the digestion aisle. Here is an option on Amazon. I will also say for disclosure, I am not a doctor nor a dentist by any means. Talk to your dentist if you have any concerns.


18 February 2015

If You Hate Moisturizer

I look forward to using this every single shower. Not even kidding.

Nivea In-Shower Body Lotion. I saw an ad of this in a magazine I was reading and then shortly after I saw Tati from GlamLifeGuru talk about it in a video. Naturally, it was fate. So I picked this lovely product up during my next trip to the store. I have been trying to get the family to use this ever since.

To sum it up, it’s like a conditioner for the body. You wash your body, apply this, then rinse and you’re done! It smells like typical lotion so no luxury scent here, but frankly, that doesn’t seem to bother me. I haven’t even felt the need to apply moisturizer afterwards and my skin has definitely become more hydrated! There are three different options available at the store – one for normal to dry skin, dry skin, and then one for very dry skin. The Normal to Dry Skin option has Sea Minerals, the Dry Skin option has Shea Butter, and the Very Dry option has Almond Oil. I love the Almond Oil one but I might try the Sea Minerals one during the summer months.

If you’re a lazy girl like me and don’t like to apply moisturizer then this is the one to try! Done and done.


17 February 2015

The Ultimate Brow Duo

The two brow products that were destined to be friends.

So I finally ran out of my Brow Wiz last month. I hardly knew ye.. It was one of those moments when you think it’s an ordinary day and then BAM! you wind up your Brow Wiz only to find it doesn’t click up anymore. Nothing. Zip. It was a sad day.

I wanted to try and see if I could find a worthy replacement at the drugstore and went for two products. One with a felt tip and the other with a spoolie wand.

The first thing I do is apply the Milani Brow Tint Pen in light strokes just to define and fill any sparse areas. This alone would be lovely and does not budge.

I follow up with the new L’Oreal Brow Stylist Plumper. It fills, tints, and sets. Basically this does everything I need it to. I loved the Maybelline version of this but I think I prefer the L’Oreal. The wand is a slightly smaller normal spoolie rather than the Maybelline’s dome shaped one.
Lately that is the combo I have been reaching for and seeing as they are both inexpensive and easily accessible at the Drusgtore, I think I will be sticking to these two for a little while.


16 February 2015

An Awesome Makeup Remover

Sometimes it’s the quiet ones who make the biggest impact.

Avocado Oil. This stuff is seriously awesome. It was just lying there in my cabinet after I had purchased it to use as a facial oil. That worked all right, but I found better oils. Since then, it has been sitting there just waiting to be used for something.

I have finicky skin, but I decided to try this out as a makeup remover one night. I apply it to dry skin, massage it, and then remove by using a hot washcloth. No problems, removes everything thoroughly, and hydrates. It smells like barbecued vegetables (bit weird at first) but that goes away as soon as you rinse it off. I wear waterproof mascara to hold a curl so I always need a makeup remover that can remove that. Avocado oil succeeds in that department but it isn’t as effortless as some of the balms I use. That being said, it’s good to know that there are cheap alternatives out there for removing makeup. I purchased my bottle from Amazon and it lasts a looong time. Give it a try!


14 February 2015

The "Luuuuv" Day

The day that’s full of maddening sickening love.
Let’s see how many of you will know what this means:


Any guesses?
Single Awareness Day.

Yep, that’s what me and my friends like to call it. If you knew the answer, then points to Gryffindor for you.
Valentine’s Day isn’t a bad day. What can get a little repetitive is this idea that you must go all out, buy all the chocolates (that one I will let slide..) or plan some sort of top secret event to announce your love. That’s all sweet and syrupy but some times it’s the simple things that go miles. Leave a note somewhere with a sweet message. Give a random hug. Make dinner if you don’t usually. You get the gist. All of what I suggested also does not just go with couples. If you want to randomly tell your best friend, “Hey, you know I really love having you as a friend.” Go for it. Hug your parents, your siblings, anyone! Also, if you are single, that’s definitely not a bad thing! It means you get to be independent, explore the ends of the earth and find out what you truly are passionate for. Now’s the time to find out more about yourself. Trust me, it’s not a bad thing.

Whatever the case may be, I said it a year ago and I will say it again- Go and tell somebody how much they mean to you today.


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